Meet at the Hotel Maria Cristina
(República Argentina K., 4, 20004 Donostia, Gipuzkoa)
Transport to Bodega Katxiña Winery
Transport to the restaurant: Mirador de Ulía
Drinks reception and welcome dinner at Mirador de Ulía
(Ulia Pasealekua, 193, 20013 Donostia, Gipuzkoa)
Main conference and Roundtables will take place at Palacio Miramar.
Transport to Palacio Miramar.
Registration & Networking Breakfast at Palacio Miramar.
(Paseo Miraconcha, 48, 20007 Donostia, Gipuzkoa)
The final day will conclude with the TV Rise Town Hall, which will be held at the Aquarium de San Sebastián. The aim of the town hall meeting is to see how attendees can help solve the challenges identified during the conference and roundtables discussions the previous day.
Aquarium de San Sebastián
(1 Plaza de Carlos Blasco Imaz, 20003 Donostia, Gipuzkoa)
Departures to Bilbao Airport